
您所在的位置:网站首页 ncclient manager_sessionsend 【自動化】NETCONF(ncclient)でCisco機器のコマンド実行・コンフィグ投入


2024-01-24 20:49| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

NETCONF (ncclient) サンプルコードInterface Listの取得 (get_interface_list.py)Loopback IFの追加 (add_loopback.py)Loopback IFの削除 (delete_loopback.py)XpathによるInterface Listの取得 (get_interface_list_xpath.py) NETCONF (ncclient) サンプルコード


・【Cisco DevNet】Step 3: Walking Through Automating Your Network with NETCONF

Interface Listの取得 (get_interface_list.py) from ncclient import manager import xmltodict import xml.dom.minidom # Create an XML filter for targeted NETCONF queries netconf_filter = """ """ with manager.connect( host="**.**.**.**", port="830", username="*****", password="*****", hostkey_verify=False ) as m: netconf_reply = m.get_config(source = 'running', filter = netconf_filter) print(xml.dom.minidom.parseString(netconf_reply.xml).toprettyxml()) # Parse the returned XML to an Ordered Dictionary netconf_data = xmltodict.parse(netconf_reply.xml)["rpc-reply"]["data"] # Create a list of interfaces interfaces = netconf_data["interfaces"]["interface"] for interface in interfaces: print("Interface {} enabled status is {}".format( interface["name"], interface["enabled"] ) )


$ python3 get_interface_list.py GigabitEthernet1 ianaift:ethernetCsmacd true GigabitEthernet2 to_R4 ianaift:ethernetCsmacd true --- snip --- Interface GigabitEthernet1 enabled status is true Interface GigabitEthernet2 enabled status is true --- snip --- Loopback IFの追加 (add_loopback.py) from ncclient import manager import xmltodict import xml.dom.minidom # Create an XML configuration template for ietf-interfaces netconf_interface_template = """ {name} {desc} {type} {status} {ip_address} {mask} """ # Ask for the Interface Details to Add new_loopback = {} new_loopback["name"] = "Loopback" + input("What loopback number to add? ") new_loopback["desc"] = input("What description to use? ") new_loopback["type"] = "ianaift:softwareLoopback" new_loopback["status"] = "true" new_loopback["ip_address"] = input("What IP address? ") new_loopback["mask"] = input("What network mask? ") # Create the NETCONF data payload for this interface netconf_data = netconf_interface_template.format( name = new_loopback["name"], desc = new_loopback["desc"], type = new_loopback["type"], status = new_loopback["status"], ip_address = new_loopback["ip_address"], mask = new_loopback["mask"] ) with manager.connect( host="**.**.**.**", port="830", username="*****", password="*****", hostkey_verify=False ) as m: netconf_reply = m.edit_config(netconf_data, target = 'running')


$ python3 add_loopback.py What loopback number to add? 10 What description to use? netconf-test What IP address? What network mask? $ ------- CSR1kv_1#show run int loo 10 Building configuration... Current configuration : 90 bytes ! interface Loopback10 description netconf-test ip address end Loopback IFの削除 (delete_loopback.py) from ncclient import manager import xmltodict import xml.dom.minidom # Create an XML configuration template for ietf-interfaces netconf_interface_template = """ {name} """ # Ask for the Interface Details to Delete new_loopback = {} new_loopback["name"] = "Loopback" + input("What loopback number to delete?") # Create the NETCONF data payload for this interface netconf_data = netconf_interface_template.format( name = new_loopback["name"] ) with manager.connect( host="**.**.**.**", port="830", username="*****", password="*****", hostkey_verify=False ) as m: netconf_reply = m.edit_config(netconf_data, target = 'running')


$ python3 delete_loopback.py What loopback number to delete?10 $ XpathによるInterface Listの取得 (get_interface_list_xpath.py)

Xpath (XML Path Language)は、XMLをツリー構造としてモデル化し、パス形式でXML内の要素を指定する言語です。ncclientではXpathによる取得データのフィルタも可能です。

from ncclient import manager import xmltodict import xml.dom.minidom from lxml import etree # Create an XML filter for targeted NETCONF queries ele_filter = etree.Element("{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0}filter", type="xpath", nsmap={None: 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-interfaces'}, select="/interfaces/interface") with manager.connect( host="**.**.**.**", port="830", username="*****", password="*****", hostkey_verify=False ) as m: netconf_reply = m.get_config(source = 'running', filter = ele_filter) # Parse the returned XML to an Ordered Dictionary netconf_data = xmltodict.parse(netconf_reply.xml)["rpc-reply"]["data"] # Create a list of interfaces interfaces = netconf_data["interfaces"][1]["interface"] for interface in interfaces: print("Interface {}".format( interface["name"], ) )


$ python3 get_interface_list_xpath.py Interface GigabitEthernet1 Interface GigabitEthernet2 Interface GigabitEthernet3






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